
Cube28 | Interieurdesign Maastricht | Meubelzaak Maastricht

How did Cube28 start?

Cube28’s story all began 115 years ago, when Conny's grandfather opened his furniture store in Maastricht. Years later, Conny was literally and figuratively born in the world of furniture, where she grew up and learned all the ins and outs of the trade at an early age.

When Conny and Bert met each other in Platielstraat in Maastricht in the early 1980s, it was love at first sight. It doesn't take long before Bert gave up his job in IT for a place in the family business.


All the expertise, experience and relationships that Conny and Bert have built up together over the years are reflected in the unique, outstanding collection and Cube28’s reliable interior design advice.

Cube28 | Interieurdesign Maastricht | Meubelzaak Maastricht